Max is a general aviation advocate and thought leader. He's passionate about preserving and growing general aviation in the U.S. so that it remains available for future generations. He is the President of the SiliconValleyGA, which protects and promotes General Aviation in California's Silicon Valley. He is the "2008 National Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year."
Max graduated from Swarthmore College in 1978 with a BA in Psychology and in 1979 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. In 1983, he graduated with a MBA in Management Strategy and Marketing from the New York University Stern School of Business. In 1979, he began a 25 year career at Hewlett-Packard in marketing, sales and management positions. For the last 8 years, he was in Enterprise Computing and managed HP's relations with a number of billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.
He began learning to fly at age 15 and became a part-time flight instructor while working at HP. In 2004, he left HP to found Glass Cockpit Publishing, a publisher of aviation training materials. He actively teaches flying, is recognized as an expert in glass cockpit aircraft, and is one of 18 people in the world that concurrently holds both Master CFI and Master Ground Instructor designations.
Max is a frequent speaker on aviation topics and speaks to capacity audiences each year at AirVenture, Sun ‘n Fun and to other aviation groups.
history, computing, technology, politics, skiing, aviation