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    I am green with envy. ;) The 208 has been on my "must fly" list for years. It's not that pretty, nor is it fast, but nither stop it from being one cool airplane.

    Max Trescott

    Brad, one friend I spoke to on the phone during the training told me that she was living vicariously through me. No question, I had a lot of fun in the training, but didn't get enough sleep. I admire the Caravan in the same ways I admired the Cessna T210 I used to own. It wasn't the sexiest airplane out there, but it was absolutely one of most practical load haulers available. Cessna does an outstanding job of optimizing tradeoffs in the design process to produce economical aircraft that deliver excellent value.

    Rob Mark

    Yikes Max. Did you leave anything out here? Sounds like you had as much fun at FSI as I did in Duluth at Cirrus.

    The 208 looks like a big 206 to most of us. Did you find anything about flying the airplane that surprised you, either easier or more difficult? Just curious.

    When you trained with Tim, did you fly left seat part of the time and right seat the other?


    My personal "Lottery" airplane!

    If I win the lottery I'm buying a C208 with G1000 and drop in all of my friends and family in WA, FL, ID, NY, OH, and MI.

    Wish me luck.

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