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    « Northwest Airlines Flight 188 Pilots Asleep at Controls? | Main | Graphic Video Highlights Dangers of Inadvertent VFR into IMC »


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    Woah. This is the first I heard of the FAA's announcement.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised - I couldn't think of any possible new information at this point that could put their actions into a better light. But it's still a bit shocking to see the FAA move forward before the investigation has completed!

    Hunter Heath

    Imagine "Sully" Sullenburger's and Jeff Skiles's dismay over this event: all the good they have done for the image of airline pilots and flight crew-- undone? I support the emergency revocation; the known facts plus their confession of dereliction is investigation enough. Or, look at it this way: would you want to be a passenger on a flight with the pilots of NW 188?

    Eric Burger

    Careful with language: "Laptop blocks instruments" sounds like "laptop interferes (electronically) with instruments." There have been studies after studies demonstrating no interference between laptops and avionics systems. The problem here is a human factors design flaw: making a tray table that looks appealing for a laptop that would sit in front of instruments that some one not thinking might use during flight.

    scott fried

    This could have been another incident of self induced hypnosis.
    I am a pilot and surgeon who uses self-hypnosis with my patients for healing and to minimize pain and discomfort from surgery. My father was a pilot in WWll and
    he experienced flight hypnosis during a mission in Burma. In fact, he went on to write his doctoral thesis on the effects of flight hypnosis. Sleep and hypnosis are similar in look but pilots, particularly on long flights, are prone to this phenomenon. I in fact have just finished a book about this. Please feel free to visit www.myfatherssecret.com or www.amazon.com and take a peek at it, A Surgeon's Self Hypnosis Healing Solution, My Father's Secret. Used appropriately, self hypnosis can be a pilot’s best friend in improving focus and concentration and keeping stressful situations from turning to panic.
    Dr Scott Fried

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