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    Matthew Stibbe

    I did a UK IMC rating (sort of IR-lite) in PA28s back in 2001. That was HARD WORK but a very good grounding in basic instrument flight and dividing attention between different activities. When I started training for my FAA IR, I began with a round dial SR20 which was a nice bridge to the glass screens.

    As a result, I think I fly more accurately on partial panel in the SR22 now than I do with the glass cockpit, which is a bit weird but probably arises from my training and also the fact that round dials have a better 'refresh rate' than the Avidyne screens making it easier to judge slight variations and trends as they happen.

    I guess that my experience is that a graduation from round dials to glass cockpits is a more complete or more rounded training experience but probably adds a lot more hours to the process.

    Your mileage may vary! :)

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