Vincent, of the Plastic Pilot blog, published the first of a series of posts on gifts for the twelve days of Christmas. As part of that series, I’m posting my recommendations for the “Second Day” of Christmas.
For the first day of Christmas, Vincent wrote “I wish me a
Cirrus SR-22.” I wish him well and hope that if someone gives him one, they’ll
be kind enough to give a second one to me! Of course some lucky AOPA member is
going to win a Cirrus SR22 early next year, so if you really want one of these
planes for free and aren’t already a member, I recommend that you join AOPA.
It’s the best $39 investment you can make in helping to protect General
Aviation in the United States. Plus you’ll get one of the best aviation
magazines available. By the way, check out what they had to say about my new IFR book and iPhone GPS Guides in their December issue!
For the second day of Christmas, I wish that everyone who loves aviation will buy a copy of the movie FlyAbout and watch it with their family. Better yet...
buy it as a gift for a young person to help inspire him or her to
get their Private certificate.
Words are inadequate to describe the beauty of this 74-minute
film. FlyAbout chronicles a young woman’s four-week trip with her father flying
a Cessna 172 around the continent of Australia. Against the backdrop of the
trip, you’ll see beautiful scenery and exotic animals. But best of all, you’ll
see the introspection of a young woman in her twenties working through conflicts
that emerge as a result of her being a more experienced pilot than her strong,
German father.
Every family is different, but ultimately most children achieve
some degree of separation from their parents as they find their own way in the
world. Filmmaker Monika Petrillo gives us a stunningly personal view of her own
emergence into adulthood. After 11 years of editing, this real life Hollywood
script supervisor has turned her own story into a masterpiece that rivals the
best aviation movies. And aviation is richer for her accomplishment.
FlyAbout was shown almost continuously to large audiences in the EAA Museum theater at AirVenture 2009. Monika and I had previously exchanged email, but we met for the first time at AirVenture. After catching her last showing of the day—the first time I’d seen the entire movie—we spent an hour together in a local Starbucks. Although she works with Hollywood directors and actors everyday in her job, her favorite moment at Oshkosh was meeting actor Harrison Ford, who bought a copy of her film on the spot.
You can see a 3-minute trailer on her website and order the $19.95 DVD directly from her. It’s also just now becoming available in many local pilot shops. After seeing the movie and spending an hour with Monika, I resolved to someday fly in a small plane in Australia. Spend $19.95 and I think you’ll come to the same conclusion. If the movie moves you and you do go flying in Australia, don’t be surprised if you find Harrison Ford flying there too!
Glad to hear you are considering flying in Australia Max! It'd be interesting to see what you think of procedures and infrastructures on this side of the Pacific. I guess for someone who's used to flying glass cockpit aircraft in some of the busiest airspace in the US, flying in Australia may look a bit like a step back in time.
Posted by: Julien | December 03, 2009 at 06:54 PM
I'm an airline training captain with 7,000 hrs experience flying in the U.S., Mexico and Europe. I'm also lucky to be a friend of Monika's from many years ago. Monika's movie reminded me of my favourite part of my flying career: soloing around in a Cessna. I don't get to do that much anymore and that's why I loved her movie so much.
Monika puts her special seal on this film as she does on everything thing else she does and she is such a good story teller. Makes me wish I was back in the Cessna days!
Posted by: F. Rebollo | December 06, 2009 at 11:18 AM
We've got this on order now, can't wait to watch it!
Posted by: Sylvia | December 10, 2009 at 02:09 AM