Here's a photo I took 2 years ago when I was at Moffett Field flying teenagers for EAA's Young Eagles program. Sadly, the hangar looks different now. If you're in Silicon Valley and look at the south end of Hangar One at Moffett Field, you'll see that a large amount of siding has been removed, exposing the hangar's inner framework to the elements. Unfortunately, the $32 million from Congress to re-side the hangar has run into resistance, which isn't surprising in the current environment.
There is an online petition to encourage the appropriation of funds for this project. Please consider going to and adding your name to the online petition to ask that funding be allocated to help preserve Silicon Valley's most iconic, historic landmark. Once, it's re-sided, it will become available again for use. For example, some have proposed it become a West coast extension to the Smithsonian's Air & Space museum. Without re-siding, the hangar cannot be used for anything, will lose its economic value, and will eventually collapse. The current situation is analogous to removing the roof of your house before you have money to put on a new roof! So it's imperative that funding be found for re-siding. Otherwise the hangar will deteriorate very rapidly, since it's framework will be completely exposed to the elements. Please add your name to the petition now!