Recently someone replied to one of my blog articles that they hadn’t seen me posting as often to my blog and they wondered why. There are several reasons, but a big one is that I’m now spending a little more time posting on Google Plus and a little less time writing blog articles. So I would like to invite my blog readers to join me on Google+. That doesn’t mean my blog is going away…it just means that we can connect even more regularly elsewhere.
I find that it’s faster and easier for me to create on Google+ that to post a new blog article. Generally I post shorter comments on Google+ and longer comments on my blog. But I can use an unlimited number of words in each Google+ post, so eventually it could replace my blog. By the way, on Facebook, I’m limited to 500 characters, though I bet they'll change that soon. So I generally write new posts on Google+ and edit them down to fit on Facebook.
If you haven’t tried Google+, now’s a great time. For the past few months, you needed an invitation to use the service and I was lucky to get one from an acquaintance who works at Google HQ. But now it’s open to everyone. Just go to Or use one of my 150 invitations by clicking on
Hope to be adding you to my Aviation Circle on Google Plus soon!
Pity ... you'll lose all of us readers who won't use Google+.
Posted by: Cliff Stanford | September 21, 2011 at 11:37 AM
Cliff, you'll still get to read the things I post on the blog. If you or anyone else wants to receive my Google+ posts via email, just send me your email address. That way you can get copies without actually having to sign up for Google+.
Posted by: Max Trescott | September 21, 2011 at 11:46 AM